3-month Intuition

School for Personal



3-month Intuition

School for Personal



In this 3 month program, I teach you how to manage your energy and not your time, grounding and presence and embodiment practices, energy alignment techniques, balancing the first chakra 

Week 1: How to Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time Week

Week 2: Lifelines and levels of consciousness

Week 3: Grounding and Presence. Embodiment Practices for Deep Connection

Week 4: Balancing the First Chakra: Security and Safety

Week 5: Clearing Energy and Releasing Old Patterns. Kirtan Kriya: A Practice for Emotional Cleansing Week.

Week 6: Accessing Kundalini Energy for Creativity

Week 7: Unleashing Your Creative Potential Week. 

Clearing Emotional Blockages and Imprints, The Golden Triangle: A Path to Success, Astral Travel, Tapping into Power and Dream Exploration

Week 8: Healing the Heart. Cross Heart Kriya: Balancing Emotions and Actions

Week 9: Nurturing Self-Love for Personal Empowerment

Week 10: Coordinating Heart and Mind for Inner Harmony Week 

Week 7: Unleashing Your Creative Potential Week. 

Clearing Emotional Blockages and Imprints, The Golden Triangle: A Path to Success, Astral Travel, Tapping into Power and Dream Exploration

Week 8: Healing the Heart. Cross Heart Kriya: Balancing Emotions and Actions

Week 16: Nurturing Self-Love for Personal Empowerment

Week 9: Coordinating Heart and Mind for Inner Harmony Week 

Week 11: The Power of Throat Chakra: Self-Expression Unleashed Week, Sa re Sa Sa: Unlocking Past Life Insights, Healing and Releasing Past Life Traumas

Week 12: Strengthening Intuition and Telepathic Abilities

Week 13: Activating the Sixth Chakra: Gateway to Intuition

  • Enhancing Intuitive Abilities Through Practice
  • Embracing Oneness with Higher Self
  • Clearing Obstacles and Limiting Beliefs

Embracing Your True Desires, The Central Question:

What Do I Want?, Integrating Transformation into Daily Life, Your Journey to Empowerment - The Promise Fulfilled


Conclusion: Sit with What You Want. Go forth and create the life of your dreams, and teach others.